Created on 18 Jan 2024 15:04:40
Looking for content creators for Etherstone - 35 review copies await.
Looking for content creators for Etherstone - 35 review copies await.


⚠️ EMBARGO: Please do not show the photo found in this listing or information about the game until Jan 23rd at 8 PM CET | 2 PM EST

⌛ TIMEFRAME: We will ship a demo copy of the game (around 50% of the content that we will offer to our backers). Components and look might change in the final product | If we accept your request, we might need the demo copy to be shipped to another content creator within 2 weeks of receiving the demo copy. Please do not send a request if this timeframe is too tight for you.

📝 We are looking for content creators to showcase our most recent game: Etherstone, an Evolving card game new to its genre, Designed by Virginio Gigli and Simone Luciani. Beautifully Illustrated by Paolo Voto.

In Etherstone, players embody faction leaders uniting forces to avert the impending extinction, striving to gain the most victory points through various means, such as summoning cards, overcoming threats, and utilizing their abilities as effectively as possible.

💠 Hands of 7 cards with countless combinations
💠 Combo chaining gameplay
💠 One action per turn
💠 Mana collection with open drafting
💠 Different game end triggers
💠 Victory point-based strategy
💠 Plays 2 to 4 players

KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN launching on March 5th 2024


We are open to discuss rewards depending on your request (barter, sponsored, etc)